Guidelines, Deadlines, & Specs
Classified ads are posted every Tuesday through Friday morning while banner ads are posted Monday through Friday morning. If you choose a date outside of our normal posting schedule, your ad will be posted on the next business day. NewPages does not do same day or next day posting. We prefer ads be received at least one week prior to your requested postdate.
First-time Advertisers
Please note that if you have not advertised with NewPages before with a classified, banner, sponsored listing, eLitPak, or LitPak, you will not be able to pay for your ad right away. NewPages will review your ad request to make sure your organization meets the listing requirements delineated in our FAQ. NewPages will be in touch as soon as possible with any questions or with a PayPal invoice for your ad.
Ad Formatting
- Ad headlines should be no more than 12 words.
- Ad body text should be 110 words or less in single paragraph block formatting (hyperlinks count as 1 word).
- Do not use all capital letters unless your publication or organization’s name is officially stylized this way.
- Ads are limited to a single hyperlink placed at the end of the ad; email addresses are not allowed.
- If you choose a classified ad which can include a graphic, it should be no more than 500 pixels in its greatest dimension in JPEG, WEBP, or PNG format. Square images or rectangles where height is greater than width are preferred. Please note these dimensions are for including an image with your classified ad text and not our banner ad dimensions.
- Ad images need to be under 100kb in size.
- If you choose to include a PDF with your ad, it should be web-friendly and no more than 500kb in size.
- Banner ads should be 300×250 pixels and under 100kb in size.